Issuer Processing

Get connected to card schemes for issuance and transaction processing‎

Issuer processors are companies connecting issuers to card schemes to manage the issuance of cards and authorize, clear and settle transactions.

Target Audience

  • Fintechs
  • Issuers

Related APIs

• Processors qualified for performing 'Instant Digital Issuance' are part of the Digital First program.
• Certain Issuer Processors can enable charge cards and secured cards, two forms of alternative credit.
• 'Express Issuer Processors' are Mastercard® Engage–qualified partners who have been enabled to provide you with fast and efficient connectivity services helping you to get enabled for all Mastercard card products in a few days to a few weeks.
• Crypto Issuer Processors are Mastercard® Engage–qualified partners who have the capabilities to support a crypto card program for their customers.

Charge Cards

A charge card is a type of credit card that enables the cardholder to make purchases which are paid for by the card issuer, to whom the cardholder becomes indebted.

Crypto Issuer Processors

Choose Crypto Card issuer processors to go live and connect your Crypto Card solution.

Express Issuer Processor

Express Issuer Processors are Mastercard® Engage–qualified partners can provide you connectivity services for launching any Mastercard card program.

Instant Digital Issuance

Issuers must instantly and digitally issue a cardholder a 16-digit PAN and CVV into their mobile environment upon approval and verification of qualification steps. Instant issuance services can be provided by Mastercard Engage-qualified partners.

Plan-Ready Issuer Processor

Fintech Express Plan-Ready Processors are not only Mastercard® Engage-qualified partners but we have also aligned with them on the end-to-end process to support simple, fast and transparent card program launches.

Secured Credit Cards

A secured credit card is a type of credit card secured by a deposit account owned by the cardholder.