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Services to Lenders
Create a streamlined digital application, loan financing and origination, and credit decisioning solution for both pre-purchase and POS installment lending experiences. Service installment loans in a simple and flexible way that connects the payment lifecycle to a loan management system. These solutions can help you scale and optimize your programs more easily, while addressing various merchant use cases.
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Here's an overview of the components provided by qualified Mastercard Engage partners that enable lenders to build their installment solution.
Issuers must instantly and digitally issue a cardholder a 16-digit PAN and CVV into their mobile environment upon approval and verification of qualification steps. Instant issuance services can be provided by Mastercard Engage-qualified partners.
Conduct instant, electronic Know Your Customer (KYC) screenings when authenticating users who are accessing their digital banking information. eKYC tools can be provided by Mastercard Engage-qualified partners.
Create a streamlined digital application, loan financing and origination, and credit decisioning solution for both pre-purchase and POS installment lending experiences. Loan origination technology can be provided by Mastercard Engage-qualified partners.
Service installment loans in a simple and flexible way that connects the payment lifecycle to the serving ledger. These solutions can help you scale and optimize your programs more easily. Loan servicing technology can be provided by Mastercard Engage-qualified partners.